A Complete Digital Strategy
Jim’s Mowing , a case study in success.
After years of struggling with multiple digital marketing agencies and lacklustre results. Aearon came to the table in 2019 to provide Jim’s Mowing Canada with strategic guidance and digital implementation.
With a complete ground-up redesign of JimsMowing.ca, including brand analysis, content creation, and SEO, JimsMowing.ca increased from 10,000 visitors per year in 2019 to over 60,000 visitors per year in 2021.
Aearon’s strategy, web development, web design, UX, SEO and data analysis were all key in driving growth at JimsMowing.ca

A Complete Digital Strategy
Leads per Franchisee up 283%
In 2019 Jim’s Mowing 63 franchisees shared a total of 3,900 new customer leads, or 61.9 leads per franchisee per year.
After dropping to 42 franchisees during 2018 and 2019’s corporate reorganization, Jim’s Mowing began its turn-around in late 2019 with Aearon’s digital marketing strategy and implementation.
Between 2020 and 2023 with Aearon’s digital and strategic support, new customer leads grew from 3,900 to over 12,300 per year – or 175.7 leads per franchisee per year – and Jim’s Mowing Canadian franchisees grew from 42 to over 75
Looking at the statics another way, leads per franchisee increased 283% under Aearon’s stewardship of Jim’s Mowing Canada’s Digital Marketing strategy and management, a success story we are all very proud of.

A Complete Digital Strategy
Request a free quote: the ultimate goal.
Getting website visitors with ever decreasing attention spans to stay on a page long enough to build interest and request a quote gets more challenging with every passing year. The main objective of Jim’s Mowing’s web marketing strategy was to get as many visitors to the site as possible, and then intice them to convert by using a simple-to-use web form to request a free quote. The design, creative, digital marketing and SEO implementation all needed to align perfectly to deliver such strong results in such a short period of time.
A Complete Digital Strategy
Leads, leads, leads.
Franchise sales are highly dependent on leads generated. The period 2014 to 2018 saw a significant net loss of franchisees for Jim’s Mowing in Canada, going from over 85 franchisees to less than 65 – and experienced a correlated drop in new customer leads generated per franchisee. In order to sell franchises, Jim’s Mowing needed to demonstrate clear and strong demand, and although considered strong at the time, there was significant room for improvement, far beyond even Jim’s Mowing’s leadership’s expectations.

A Complete Digital Strategy
Content is King, and we’re Royalty.
Getting potential customers to stay on your website is no easy task, so starting with a complete redesign of the jimsmowing.ca website around content and SEO, Aearon created over 1,000 pages of dedicated content to entice visitors to stay on site longer. Individual pages were created for each franchisee, and landing pages were for each market and service combination across BC. The goal was to build engagement and trust with visitors, with the ultimate goal of converting them into leads through a simple and easy to use web form.

A complete Digital Strategy
Thinking Long-Term
Aearon’s strategic plan favoured organic over paid traffic for lead generation. Aearon’s Team recommended a long-term strategic plan that was implemented in 2019 favouring organic traffic generated through content, strong SEO supported by strong Social proof built on Google MyBusiness listings.
Designing the path to the goal
A big part of our strategy consisted in positioning highly relevant dedicated landing pages for each market and for each service. These landing pages were designed to rank, welcome and convert the user who had searched for that service and/or location.

Web development & SEO
The development phase was clearly fundamental, and without strategy, a website is nothing but a piece of a vast virtual puzzle lost in the ether. A clearly defined strategy and brand story are critical in converting users into clients. Given the objectives and the agreed structure, the redesigned website took shape based on WordPress CMS. JimsMowing.ca now boasts remarkable performance on all types of devices, and now, we can do that for your Brand too.
A Complete Digital Strategy
If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Only what is measurable and measured can be evaluated. By crossing data from the site with data of all the other platforms (Google AdWords, Facebook Pixel, etc.), we are able to obtain practical, actionable and easy-to-read reports for the customer as well.

A Complete Digital Strategy
Closed Loop: Review & Reseting
We are able to confidently test new strategies and ideas because we get instant feedback on the performance of our actions. This allows us to act in real time on campaigns and to minimize the cost of ineffective strategies.
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